• My corner

    I know I’m older when…

    by The Flamingo I turned 35 recently and I got myself the latest book of Caroline de Maigret  and Sophie Mas as a birthday present. It features a very suggestive title: “Older but better, but older”. I felt a bit…

  • My corner

    A guide to being chill

    by The Flamingo In this era of ours a lot of people are battling anxiety. Unfortunately, The Flamingo is no stranger to this problem. It’s an unending and tiring war with my own mind and body for eight years now.…

  • My corner

    About Loss

    by The Flamingo In this era of mental health awareness, people tend to be more introspective in order to find out what issues they are having and how to solve them. We are more conscious than our parents and grandparents…

  • My corner

    Resolutions of a different kind

    by The Flamingo Happy New Year, everyone! May this new decade bring you all you ever wanted. I don’t usually make resolutions, hated the thought until I turned 30. Overnight I got a little wiser and I started making some…

  • My corner

    Christmas as an expat

    by The Flamingo This is my 4th Christmas away from my home country. The first Christmas I spent in the desert of the UAE, the next ones in the highlands of Switzerland. Although very different from one another, like fire…

  • Around the world,  My corner

    The art of traveling

    by The Flamingo This article is inspired by the “bon viveur/la dolce vita” theme. It’s a prolific subject for me personally, with endless possibilities. This modus vivendi, of living life a certain way, with some grace, delicacy, simplicity and meaning…

  • My corner

    One winter day

    by The Flamingo Zürich, Sunday morning, two weeks before Christmas, two years ago. It was a blustery day outside. The wind and the snow made the cold feel even worse than it was. I had one more weekend before Christmas…

  • My corner

    Eating meat

    by The Flamingo This, dear reader, is not meant to be a funny article nor an easy one to digest. This is written for all you animal lovers out there, who may understand some of the things I’m going through.…