• My corner

    About self compassion

    by The Flamingo Every year in February, we celebrate compassion at our school. This year has been all about self-compassion. We’re trying to bring awareness and teach children and adults alike about kindness towards others, but also towards one’s self. …

  • My corner

    A sprinkle of magic

    by Flamingo This piece is inspired by all the kids in my life. A number of people asked me during my career, why don’t I teach older kids and teens. “They’re much easier,” they said. “It’s less work and less…

  • My corner

    Cat’s in the cradle

    by Flamingo February is a hard month. It’s cold and grey, not cold enough to snow but cold enough to feel that chill in my bones. It’s cold in my heart as well, it’s the month my grandmama passed away…

  • My corner

    Season of change

    by The Flamingo They say the stress of moving is second only to the stress of divorce. Since I am not familiar with the latter (thank God), I would say moving has definitely been the most stressful and distressing time…

  • My corner

    Odd skills of kindergarten teachers

    by The Flamingo For the past 14 years I have been a preschool and kindergarten teacher. I love what I do, I am passionate about young childhood and education, about healthy emotional development in the first 7 years of life.…

  • My corner

    Saying goodbye to 2020

    by The Flamingo These days I started contemplating as I usually do during Christmas time, looking back at all that was. This year has been a hard one, for all of us, for some more so than for others. It…

  • My corner

    About skin care

    by The Flamingo A couple of weeks ago I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend a beauty course hosted by Estée Lauder. A friend of mine, who is Brand General Manager for Switzerland, organised the whole online experience…