My corner

The Fox and The Flamingo

by The Flamingo

This is a short introductory article to present ourselves properly. The Fox and The Flamingo are two best friends, in their mid thirties. We are both married for a while now (not to each other…well, not legally anyway), both mothers of young boys. We come from Romania, we were classmates and friends since 11 years old. The Fox works in the financial field, while The Flamingo in education.

Why The Fox and The Flamingo you wonder? Well the name represents in a way the place we live in. The Fox lives in London, where the foxes are more common than cats and dogs. The Flamingo lived in Dubai, while the concept of this blog was created, where one of the highlights of the city is a big reservation of wild flamingos, which stop here during their migration. Meanwhile Flamingo’s residence changed from Dubai to Zürich, Switzerland. The name could have been changed to “The Cow”…but out of laziness and a peculiar sense of pride, it remained thus.

Are the names symbols in any way other than representing the place we live or lived? Yes and no. They don’t represent us necessarily. Both fox and flamingo have traits in common with both of us, the fox’s sense of survival or the flamingo’s loyalty to family.

More about us you will learn through our articles. We expect to enlarge our circle of friends through you, dear readers. We are very loyal and give a lot back, so, the way the Japanese say it, “we are in your care from now on”!