My corner

Saying goodbye to 2020

by The Flamingo

These days I started contemplating as I usually do during Christmas time, looking back at all that was. This year has been a hard one, for all of us, for some more so than for others. It was for sure one of the most difficult years I had to face. There were also some good parts to it, that were as good as the bad ones were bad. Lots of ups and downs and an exhausting emotional roller coaster are the things that mainly characterize 2020. 

The bad parts of 2020 were indeed painful, marked by death, illness, loss of friends because of the horrible gap created in society by conspiracy theories and unworthy world leaders. There was also a lot of uncertainty around everything that happened in day to day life around myself and my family. This year I didn’t get to go to my home country and see the rest of my close family, so I miss them dearly. I also missed a lot of important moments in my family’s life that can’t be replaced. 

But the few good parts were indeed remarkable. My son has matured a lot over this year, his understanding and empathy are beyond any expectation that I had. He benefited a lot from both of his parents staying home with him at all times, especially during the school lockdown in spring and the summer holidays. He learned how to read, do math operations and added rock ‘n roll, swimming and writing books to his long list of hobbies. 

We as a family became closer and we felt less lonely. We were also lucky enough to catch a good period in this pandemic and have a short car trip to the Italian seaside, so we got to have some vacation away from home. Switzerland allowed nature trips the whole year, so we did a lot of those, especially during spring and summer. We got to explore so much of the beautiful renowned Swiss nature and we felt lots of times overwhelmed by our luck of living here.

With all that happened, I’m ready to say goodbye and “good riddance” to 2020. I know next year won’t be an easy one, but I hope for a better balance between good and bad. I wish for a healthy year in body, mind and soul. I also hope I will never hear the word “Trump” ever again. Alas 2021, will be full of “corona” but maybe by the end of the year it will be less and less on everybody’s lips. 

I wish for a kinder year for all of us! Happy New Year! 

Photo from Flamingo‘s archive.