Fox&guest writers

Ode to personal finance

by The Fox

Dear reader,

I am conscious that I’ve been quite absent from this blog, but with good reason! My dear friend, The Flamingo, has such a charming writing style that I feel I am unworthy of writing on her blog.

However, I would just like to give you a glimpse of what I’ve been interested in lately and that is personal finance. For the first time in my life I’ve actually been curious to learn more about personal finances and how this knowledge can be a stepping stone to a stress free professional life and a more fulfilled personal one.

This is because once one is content with their finances, the sky’s the limit, one can try any career option, have the freedom to depart from an unfulfilling job, make time for any hobbies and so on.

The personal finance area is vast and daunting. Most times, you can feel like you are reading some rocket science manuals and with words you never heard spoken in real life. Moreover, learning about how to save and invest bakes remorse and unhappiness of not paying attention to this before (if I only I knew this stuff 10 years ago, I would have been a millionaire by now … or almost). At the same time it uncovers the ‘adult’ in you! I am afraid this is particularly valid for women, us being traditionally focused on raising a family, becoming expert cooks and dressing well, however, with a bit of patience and good resources any person can improve their financial well-being.

I will not start giving personal financial advice, as I know I am still lacking a lot of knowledge, but I would start by encouraging all of our readers to pay more attention to personal finances by learning about budgeting, making sure you have a comprehensive and clear picture of your debts, read about Index funds and the stock market.

And let me tell you that once I started on the journey to improving my personal finance well-being I could not stop. Every week I felt more accomplished, more clear in my objectives and more relaxed, which in turn increased confidence in myself, the world around me and the future. More importantly, being satisfied financially (albeit being just at the start of my financial security journey) brings more joy to my life, being able to spend more quality time with my son and partner.

If you are curious about this subject as well, please let me know in the comments below, and I will consider whether to dive deeper on this subject (and my personal experience) for future articles.

Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

One Comment

  • MGT

    Go ahead, delve deeper into the subject. I think it would be interesting as I have to admit, I’m a clut when it comes to personal finance…