My corner

A few of our favorite things

by The Flamingo

A couple of nights ago, I was singing my usual repertoire to my kid before bed. He loves this routine, but we also like to mix it up a little bit when things get boring. So one of my usual songs, “My favorite things” from “The sound of music” became “My son’s favorite things” like trains and cats, the colour blue and T-Rex, chocolate and some more trains. I remembered then, I used to sing the same song with my passions replaced, whenever I did something I disliked, to make me feel a little better.

I wrote this article in order for you, dear reader, to get to know The Fox and The Flamingo a little better, not because we are total narcissists…or so we keep telling each other. Nobody said it better than Julie Andrews. What gets us going, what makes us tick, “when the dog bites, when the bee stings”?

Our friendship is strong, mainly because we have lots of things in common and we think alike. As they say birds of a feather flock together. We have lots of things that make us happy and make us who we are.

  • Cinema – we like watching old movies and knowing lines from “Some like it hot” by heart, but we’re also big fans of Woody Allen’s films.
  • Traveling – we’re not the “checked the list” kind, we like seeing new places, but we’re not shy in returning to the old places we like, as many times as we want. We’re also not the “chicken running with its head cut off” type, seeing too much and understanding too little.  
  • Reading – classic books, modern books, romance books, historical books, fantasy books, we are even open to SF. But we draw the line at vampires!
  • Cats – nothing feels better than rubbing a soft cat’s tummy, well…almost nothing…
  • New shoes – they are “la pièce de résistance” in a woman’s wardrobe
  • Lazy mornings – sleeping in is always a good idea, or sleeping anytime during pregnancy. Sadly, once you have kids, that is not an option anymore.
  • Weekends and holidays – spending time with our loved ones is very important to us, even if just hanging out at home or going to Disneyland.
  • Culture – we all need our dose of culture from a museum, exhibition, concert or theater every once in awhile, or more often than that.
  • Lace, silk, and cashmere – and we don’t need to elaborate on why
  • The sea – we can look for hours at it and not get bored, it has a calming effect and puts things into perspective.
  • All things Japanese – from sushi, cosmetics, fans and yukatas to anime, manga, cherry blossoms and Hello Kitty charms.
  • Christmas – our favorite time of the year, chases the gloom away.
  • Dior perfumes – we’re very loyal customers , they should send us free samples just for mentioning their brand on our very successful blog.
  • Whipped cream – our love for it is pure, don’t think naughty thoughts.

We can continue like this for a long time. Although there are a lot of things that bring us together, there are a lot of differences between us as well. Like chocolate vs vanilla, Studio Ghibli vs Disney, red wine vs rosé, new music hits vs old ones, Audrey Hepburn vs Marilyn Monroe, heat vs snow, meditation vs painting, tennis vs non tennis, buying 3 dresses you need vs buying 5 dresses, 2 blouses, a pair of pants and a skirt you don’t need…and so on and so forth.

The Fox and The Flamingo suggest you keep a list of your favorite things in your mind and whenever life gets tough just think of them and then you “won’t feel so bad”.