Books, Movies & More

10 gift ideas for nerds

by The Fox and The Flamingo

The Holiday season is upon us and as every year, The Fox and The Flamingo are facing the same challenge: what to get our husbands for Christmas? May I add that our partners are both nerds…but we are not, or not that very specific nerdy type anyway. Both of us being in very long relationships, we explored every option out there and we faced this challenge over and over again, but we came out quite successful every time. 

If you are facing the same challenge – fear not, we are here to assist. If the “nerdy” person you are researching gifts for is into computers, into all kinds of games (video or not), gadgets, reading and watching Fantasy and SF, keep on reading.

1. Raspberry Pi

No, not a pie! A tiny but powerful micro-computer that would blow the mind of any nerd! Not to mention it’s very affordable. Buy now with confidence, they will be impressed and forever grateful. Even if afterwards you find out that they already have one, don’t worry, they will find some use for it…there is always some use for yet another Raspberry Pi

Note: we only have 3 at home.

Bonus 1: you can later get them a Hat (Rainbow Hat), which apparently is a development board and display – whatever that means, they will know.

Bonus 2: Arduino, this will show you really know your stuff…this is a micro-controller board. Confused? So are we, but the nerd will adore it, it’s only a fun gadget, not as powerful as a Raspberry Pi but still very cool.

Raspberry Pi (left) + Rainbow Hat (right)

2. Wireless keyboard

This kind of keyboards offers computer maniacs and video gamers much more flexibility and maybe a more comfortable and relaxing experience. Make sure you don’t go for the pink version, no matter how good it looks. Shop for wireless keyboards here.

3. Brandon Sanderson/Robert Jordan/George R. R. Martin

These three are some of the best contemporary fantasy writers. Look for their latest book releases and if you manage to get a signed copy as a gift, your partner/friend will be in heaven. You can find information about signed copies on the author’s official sites. 

For Brandon Sanderson shop here.

For Robert Jordan shop here.

For George R.R. Martin shop here.

4. Board Games and Trading Card Games

These are for sure one of the favorite pastimes. You can find board games on every subject. For example: “A Game of Thrones Card Game” (board game) or “Magic the Gathering” (trading card game). 

For board games shop here.

For trading card games shop here.

Game of Thrones Board game (left) + Fantasy Books (right)

5. Terrarium/Insectarium/Faunarium

You would think that this is a middle school project, but you’d be surprised how many grown-ups enjoy caring about these small tanks full of all kinds of living stuff. We are more into cats than…crawlers.


6. Vintage video games

Remember those video games you used to play on TV when you were young, on tapes, using controllers? Like Mario? Well, all the major game & console makers have now released modern versions of their most popular devices. These can be quite affordable and bring old-school gaming to modern TV screens.

Super Nintendo

7. Subscription to Audible

A bit cliche already, but this helps people enjoy books, stories, podcasts whatever they are doing: like driving, cooking, working or just lying in bed wanting not to disturb the person sleeping next to them. 

For subscription to Audible you can shop here.

8. Lego Technic

There are a lot of tinkers in the “nerd” category and Lego is one of the best things to gift them. It requires lots of patience and concentration, but it’s very relaxing for them. Lego Technic can be browsed here.

9. Comic books

Again…middle school?! Well, comic books are very entertaining and appeal to the kid inside, which most nerds tend to nurse quite a lot. There are lots of comic books with different themes: fantasy, Marvel, DC, crime, manga, manhwa etc. It depends on the person’s interest.

Bonus 1: a manga book, the love of any nerd really.

Manga + Lego Technic + Anime
Comic books + Superhero Blu-rays

10. Phone stand

This is a very cheap and useful thing to have, even for the non nerds. There are lots of different fun types you can choose from. They’re very practical, especially when doing something and watching YouTube at the same time.

For phone stands you can shop here.

Phone stand + some more beloved Fantasy Books

We hope we got you inspired with some very nerdy awesome gifts. There are some other ideas, like more obvious choices, but a bit cliche: t-shirts and socks with Star Wars, or a Spiderman pyjama, let’s not mention the very large palette of nerdy underwear. Have a merry and nerdy winter celebration! 

Disclaimer 1: Some of the links on this page may earn us some affiliate revenue, but we weren’t sponsored by any of these products to promote them.

Disclaimer 2: This article is NOT written by real nerds, so excuse the lack of specificity. 

Photos from The Fox and The Flamingo archives.