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10 fun stories from Japan – a Miniseries: The Sailor Moon Story

by The Flamingo

Dear reader, you already know what big fans we are about all things Japan. The Flamingo wrote a 10 stories miniseries about funny/awkward/eccentric experiences that can only occur in Japan. I will share with you some more or less embarrassing moments that happened during the trips there, that always make top conversation topic

6. The Sailor Moon story

Tokyo has a lot of different types of shops and it’s also famous for its most “improper” ones. Well, that’s where I was in one of my trips: a four floors high sex shop. It was really amazing and educational really, as well as one of my weirdest experiences ever.

The last floor had the cosplay sexy dressing up theme. There I found an entire room full of costumes and accessories from the famous Sailor Moon anime, which was my favorite while growing up. Amazed and very excited, I began looking through all the costumes. They were all very normal, nothing kinky about them and I didn’t understand why they were selling these in a sex shop.

As I was tightening my grip on a Sailor Moon costume, I looked at my boyfriend with tears in my eyes and said I wanted to buy it. He began laughing and, with a twinkle in his eyes, he agreed but when we looked at the price tag our jaw dropped. It cost as much as our budget for two days in Tokyo. I loosened my grip on the costume, I tried putting it back without pouting too much, but then a shop assistant popped up and asked me if I wanted to try it on.

At first I refused because I clearly couldn’t afford it, but she insisted, saying that it was OK, that I could try it on without buying it…with one condition though. I had to agree that she could take a photo of me dressed as Sailor Moon and post it on the wall, where other photos of dressed up girls were.

My first thought was to refuse of course, but then she appealed to my vanity, that the photo would look really good on the wall, that western girls improved their sales. Yeah, I bought that…and I looked at the costume again, nothing kinky. Then I looked at my boyfriend and he encouraged me to do it. OK, so I did it, because why not? One more item off the bucket list, being Sailor Moon for a few minutes. And it felt great…back then!

Well, when I think about it now, that a sex shop in Japan has a picture of me dressed up as Sailor Moon on their wall, I just want to dig a hole in the earth and bury myself in it. This is one of those things you do when you’re very young and stupid and regret it. I just hope that so many years later the photo isn’t up there anymore, that prettier girls took my place, or that the place ran out of business.